Flexible plastic U shaped and L shaped trim for edging cabinets and shelves, made from PVC.

1/2" Black PVC U-Trim
Average rating:
This flexible u-trim edging is priced per foot, and will ship as one continuous piece of molding up to 100ft long.
Starting Price $0.99 per foot
* Quantity Discounts Available *

5/8" Black PVC U-Trim
Average rating:
This 5/8in flexible u-trim edging is priced per foot, and will ship as one continuous piece of molding up to 100ft long.
Starting Price $1.05 per foot
* Quantity Discounts Available *

3/4" Black PVC U-Trim
Average rating:
This 3/4in black flexible u-trim edging is priced per foot, and will ship as one continuous piece of molding up to 50ft long.
Starting Price $0.99 per foot
* Quantity Discounts Available *

3/4" Black PVC L-Trim
Average rating:
This 3/4" black flexible L-trim edging is priced per foot, and will ship as one continuous piece of molding up to 100ft long. The lip is 17/64" tall and the molding has a peel & stick adhesive.
Starting Price $1.75 per foot
* Quantity Discounts Available *