Books, Games & Other Fun Stuff!
We're not just about arcade parts! Check out our selection of books by Bitmap Books and New Wave Toys' Replicade Amusements product line.

Replicade Missile Command Arcade GamePrice $169.99

Replicade Classic Red StoolPrice $19.99

Replicade Classic Black StoolPrice $19.99

Replicade UV Base PadPrice $9.99

RepliCade Insert Coin Key Chain
RepliCade Insert Coin keychains are constructed from a traditional blend of diecast metal and plastic. Push the coin return button to activate LED illumination for 30 seconds.
Price $14.99

Atari 2600/7800: a visual compendiumPrice $44.99

Commodore 64: a visual compendiumPrice $39.99

Commodore Amiga: a visual CompendiumPrice $39.99

NES/Famicom: a visual compendiumPrice $39.99

Super Famicom: The Box Art CollectionPrice $39.99

The Games That Weren'tPrice $39.99

The SNES Pixel BookPrice $39.99

Sinclair ZX Spectrum: a visual compendiumPrice $39.99

Replicade Centipede Arcade Game (Sold Out)Price $139.99

Replicade Dragon's Lair Arcade Game (Sold Out)Price $119.99

Replicade Street Fighter II Arcade Game (Sold Out)Price $119.99

Replicade Tempest Arcade Game (Sold Out)Price $119.99

Replicade Space Ace Arcade Game (Sold Out)Price $169.99

Replicade Q*Bert Arcade Game (Sold Out)Price $169.99

Replicade 1943 Overhaul Edition Arcade Game with 2 Controllers (Sold Out)
Average rating:
Price $179.99

Replicade 1942 Arcade Game (Sold Out)Reg. Price $159.99 $129.99 On Sale!