3/4" Chrome T-Molding
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| Read all reviewsSKU T-CHR-75
Slot Width 1/16"
Starting Price $0.65 per foot
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3/4" Chrome T-Molding
This 3/4" chrome t-molding is priced per foot, and will ship as one continuous piece of molding up to 250ft long. It is made from clear, flexible, PVC, topped with a mylar film, and a clear protective layer on top.3/4" Chrome T-Molding Reviews
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Be careful when tapping this in place. Dont just bang away with a rubber mallet. Would recommend placing a soft wood block in between hammer strikes and the chrome itself in order to protect the chrome more and evenly distribute the hammer blows across the tmolding. Any missed areas are more visible than other colored tmolding.
Very important: store in room temperature before use. If you store this stuff in excessively hot or cold environments before it is applied, the chrome skin will eventually peel from the gray underneath it. Ive seen this happen multiple times. Be cautious about buying a roll of this and then just tossing it in a shed for a year waiting to use it.
This company is great! I have ordered multiple times and have been completely satisfied. Their inventory is extensive for T moldings and installation tools. That is what I typically buy although they have many arcade parts. Quality of the molding is excellent. Small quantity is not a problem. Packaging is excellent. Shipping is fast! Pricing seems good to me but I really do not shop around any more for these products. Customer service is awesome!
Glossy and sleek
For arcade cabinet use, there is no greater look to freshen things up. This chrome adds a regal look. Slightly stiffer than standard colored t-molding, so you may not be able to wrap hard 90 degree angles without warping. Dont store in a hot area, as ive noticed this can weaken the chrome film. Peel protective covering off slowlyto avoid wrinkling the chrome film.
Featured positive reviews:
Be careful when tapping this in place. Dont just bang away with a rubber mallet. Would recommend placing a soft wood block in between hammer strikes and the chrome itself in order to protect the chrome more and evenly distribute the hammer blows across the tmolding. Any missed areas are more visible than other colored tmolding.
Very important: store in room temperature before use. If you store this stuff in excessively hot or cold environments before it is applied, the chrome skin will eventually peel from the gray underneath it. Ive seen this happen multiple times. Be cautious about buying a roll of this and then just tossing it in a shed for a year waiting to use it.
This company is great! I have ordered multiple times and have been completely satisfied. Their inventory is extensive for T moldings and installation tools. That is what I typically buy although they have many arcade parts. Quality of the molding is excellent. Small quantity is not a problem. Packaging is excellent. Shipping is fast! Pricing seems good to me but I really do not shop around any more for these products. Customer service is awesome!
For arcade cabinet use, there is no greater look to freshen things up. This chrome adds a regal look. Slightly stiffer than standard colored t-molding, so you may not be able to wrap hard 90 degree angles without warping. Dont store in a hot area, as ive noticed this can weaken the chrome film. Peel protective covering off slowlyto avoid wrinkling the chrome film.
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